Stumbled onto some images i did back in the day and decided to do do a fresh edit with my updated retouching skill sets. This 'was my first attempt on 'studio' photography. I also did a video on my thought process before, during and after editing the images. Have a look and listen through.
ON Photography Whispers Ep1
ON Photography whispers is a personal memoir where I will be speaking about my photography experiences.
On this episode, I speak about the techniques I used to edit my first studio photography photos when I initially edited them in 2014 and techniques I used to re-edit them in 2019.
Technique overview -Pixel retouching(cloning, healing) -Dodge and burn
Photographer: Otieno Nyadimo
Concept&Lighting: Okaka Felix
Stylist: June Tunu
Makeup Artist: Nina Nyamweya
Models: Shiddy Nyale, Tracy Mayaka, Joyce Onyando